Lamellar grates represent a practical solution for closing a space that it
wants to be secure, but that does not require a gate insulation to keep
temperature. This model grid can be found in stores often centers
commercial, but is very popular and closing storage spaces and halls.
For spaces where you want more visibility when the grid is down, we recommend latticework patterns consisting of tubes, Nyos Aero si Nyos Visis.
Full thin small plate vs. thin small plate perforated
Full blades prevents any visibility when the grid is down, but with grids perforated blades provides good visibility inside space. An advantage of grids it protects the blades shop windows full of dust and becoming dirtier is harder.For spaces where you want more visibility when the grid is down, we recommend latticework patterns consisting of tubes, Nyos Aero si Nyos Visis.